Alberta Lacrosse COVID-19 Update

Nov. 12, 2020

The Alberta Government announced today that all Team Activities are suspended from November 13- 27, 2020 in Calgary and area, Edmonton and area, Lethbridge, Ft McMurray, Grand Prairie, and Red Deer. Therefore, all ALA sanctioned events in these areas are to be suspended as well.

At this time, all “in-person” events in Calgary and area, Edmonton and area, Lethbridge, Ft McMurray, Grand Prairie, and Red Deer suspended from November 13- 27, 2020. Athletes from these areas are not to travel to unrestricted areas to compete. The ALA encourages all Members to continue their activities virtually or individually at home. A reminder there are resources for players and coaches to access at AlbertaLacrosseTV. These resources from the Summer are still available for everyone to revisit on the ALA Accounts of Alberta Lacrosse FB, @AlbertaLacrosse Twitter and Instagram.

With the daily and sometimes hourly changes related to the virus, we recommend you check the below government links daily.

If you require further clarification please contact the ALA at

Please be safe and healthy.


Darrel Knight

President Alberta Lacrosse Association


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