Coaching Clinics

Are you looking to get involved with lacrosse as a coach? Amazing!

We've made the process as easy and barrier-free as possible so you can move from desire to bench boss, assistant coach, or gate swinger in no time. To familiarize yourself with the steps, check out how to become a lacrosse coach, which takes you from creating your NCCP number at in step 1 to registering for a clinic in your area in step 3 - concept to coach just like that!

Host a clinic in your area

Are you an LGB or rural Club looking to recruit new coaches or want existing coaches to level-up? No problem, we have something for you too!

Request to Host a Coaching Clinic Form 

Check out our how to coordinate a coaching clinic cheat-sheet and then just follow the steps. Super easy!

2025 coaching clinics 


  Date Days Host Location Contact
Community Development Clinic*

March 2 1 GELC Edmonton Soccer S. Centre Anna-Lise Hobday 5746381
March 23 1 Wheatland Kitscoty High School Matt Harasiuk 5772142
March 30 1 SALA Shift Community Rec Centre Sarah Mackenzie 5759043
April 27 1 CALL Collicutt Centre Angela Nygard 5753736
May 4 1 CALL Lacombe Arena Angela Nygard 5753737
March 20 1 Virtual* Zoom Jason Crook 5770698
March 23 1 Virtual* Zoom Jason Crook 5770699
*All coaches who attend a virtual community development classroom will be required to register and attend an on-floor/field session in required discipline(s) separately to become “trained”.
Competition Introduction Clinic  March 8-9 2 GELC GELC Office Anna-Lise Hobday 5746384
March 22-23 2 SALA Big Marble Go Centre Sarah Mackenzie 5759044
March 29-30 2 CALL Collicutt Centre Angela Nygard 5752387
April 5-6 2 GELC GELC Office Anna-Lise Hobday 5758917
April 5-6 2 CDLA Indus Rec Centre Melinda Bevis 5759888
April 11-13 3 RMLL Okotoks Recreation Centre Christine Thielen 5740859
May 3-4 2 CALL Gary Moe Sportsplex Angela Nygard 5752394
May 10-11 2 CDLA Indus Rec Centre Melinda Bevis 5759889
May 24-25 2 CALL Town of Innisfail Twin Arena Angela Nygard 5753738

Upcoming coach Development Opportunities

There are no upcoming coach development opportunities at this time.

There are several recommended online coaching courses that coaches of any level can complete at any time on The Locker which will enhance your knowledge as a coach, and help you bring success to your team.

To find these coaching courses follow these easy steps:

  1. Login to your account at The Locker.

  2. Click ELEARNING along the top navigation bar.

  3. Select Multi-sport along the left navigation bar.

  4. Select your course.

  5. Enjoy becoming a stronger coach.

Responsible Coaching

The ALA has taken the pledge and is now a proud champion of the Responsible Coaching Movement!

By making this pledge, the ALA is showing our commitment to implementing supportive policies and processes that ensure the safety and protection of our athletes and coaches, and provide our coaches with the tools and training necessary to model ethical behavior.

The Responsible Coaching Movement (RCM) is a multi-phase. system-wide movement coordinated by the Coaching Association of Canada and the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport that has the potential to affect all sports organizations and coaches in a positive way.

The first phase of the RCM focuses on three key areas:

  • Rule-of-Two: The Rule-of-Two serves to protect Minor athletes from potentially vulnerable situations by ensuring that more than one adult is present at all times. Vulnerable situations can include closed doors meetings, travel, and training environments.

  • Background Screening: The background screening process involves using a number of different tools to ensure coaches meet the necessary security requirements to coach athletes. These tools include comprehensive job postings, criminal record checks, interviews, and reference checks.

  • Respect and Ethics Training: Increasing coaches ethical conduct and behavior toward athletes requires that coaches be trained to understand what it means to act ethically. This training includes the Make Ethical Decisions module within the National Coaching Certification Program (CAC) but there are many.

With the support of the Coaching Association of Canada (CAC), the ALA will be actively reviewing current policies and procedures to ensure they align with the recommendations and guidelines of the RCM.

Working closely with our members and clubs, we will identify realistic ways and means to entrench the Responsible Coaching Movement across our sport and enhance the safety of our athletes and the ethical conduct of our coaches.