Development Camps 

2025 Camp Initiatives 

The ALA Technical Team will travel to all LGBs throughout the province, offering day camps based on technical initiatives, and LGB needs, based on collaboration with Presidents and Executive Directors.

The U13 Development Camp returns for a third year of this iteration, this year condensing into one day, with a focus on offensive fundamentals and team skills. Current and potential coaches are encouraged to attend and interact on the floor throughout the day. There will be two 90-minute practice sessions for players and two additional coach sessions between practices. All sessions will be held on the floor, and coaches will be provided additional coaching resources and instruction. 

The second day of development will vary based on LGB needs. It will be opened up to more age groups of players while still offering coaches to attend for additional information and tutelage from the Technical Team. 

Camp details determined by LGB need.

U13 Player/Coach Development Camp

Open to players and coaches

*PD points available for coaches

**Players on floor for practices only. Coaches on floor for practices and coach sessions.

Skills/Goalie Development

Open to players, goalies and coaches.

*Goalie camps will have openings for shooters.

U13 Players Camp, ALA Members - $30
**For players 11 and 12 years old, and who do not turn 13 in 2025. 2025 Player Age Groups - for age reference

U13 Camp will focus on the following:

  • Offensive technical and tactical skills
  • Fundamentals, dodging, pick and roll, transition, decision making

U13 Players registered for the Saturday camp attend both player-scheduled sessions. Players are encouraged to bring lunch and water; supervision is not provided when the players are not on the floor.

Coaches are to attend both the scheduled player sessions and the coach sessions.
Coaches may acquire PD points based on hours participated (1 per hour to a maximum of 3) for attending, if required. Only Comp Intro Certified coaches require PD points.

Coaches, ALA Members - free

Goalies, ALA Members - free

Registration is required.
2025 Player Age Groups - for age reference


LGB Date Camp Type Start Time End Time Location

February 1 
U13 Player Camp 10:30am 11:45am  Edmonton Soccer Association South Centre  
*Coach Session 2 (to be completed in the bleachers at the facility)
U13 Coach Session 11:45am 12:15pm
U13 Player Camp 12:15pm 1:30pm
U13 Coach Session 1:30pm 2:30pm*
February 2  Goalie Camp (U11/U13) 12:30pm 2:00pm
Goalie Camp (U15/U17) 2:00pm 3:30pm

February 22  Goalie Camp (U11/U13) 12:00pm 1:30pm Duchess Rec Centre

Goalie Camp (U15/U17) 2:00pm 3:30pm
February 23    U13 Player Camp 10:00am 11:30am
U13 Coach Session 11:30am 12:15pm
U13 Player Camp 1:00pm 2:30pm
U13 Coach Session 2:30pm 3:30pm
CDLA March 15    U13 Player Camp 10:00am 11:30am
Calgary Soccer Centre 
U13 Coach Session 11:30am 12:30pm
U13 Player Camp 1:30pm 3:00pm
U13 Coach Session 3:00pm 4:00pm
March 16  Goalie Camp (U11/U13) 10:00am 11:30am
Goalie Camp (U15/U17) 11:30am 1:00pm
Wheatland March 22    U13 Player Camp     TBD      
U13 Coach Session    
U13 Player Camp    
U13 Coach Session    
March 23   U11 Skills Camp     
U15 Skills Camp    
U17 Skills Camp    

March 29 

U13 Player Camp
Registration is Full  

U13 Player Camp  10:00am 11:30am Collicutt Centre   
U13 Coach Session  11:30am 12:30am
U13 Player Camp  1:30pm 3:00pm
U13 Coach Session  3:00pm 4:00pm
March 30  Goalie Camp (U11/U13)  1:00pm 2:30pm
Goalie Camp (U15/U17)  2:30pm 4:00pm

Non-Member player and coaches please email to register.