Bulletin B101-1: LGB Post 16U Communication Protocols

Mar. 09, 2021

LGB Presidents,

As the dust settles for 2021 on the matter of 16U versus 17U lacrosse, we must remind ourselves that we all need to be mindful of our established LGB boundaries as they relate to communications with graduating 16U athletes and families.

For background, the following resolution was carried during the 2001 ALA AGM, which for 2021 would refer to players born in 2004 or earlier: The Rocky Mountain Lacrosse League, a member of the ALA, is the governing body for all amateur box lacrosse in Alberta, in the post-midget age division, subject to the Bylaw, Regulations and Policies of the CLA and the ALA.

Any communications targeting this classification of athlete must run through the Rocky Mountain Lacrosse League (RMLL) for approval. Circumvention of this process could be construed as tampering as informed by the following ALA Regulations:


2.01 No player, or potential player, shall be contacted by anyone connected to a Boundary area outside the players’ Boundary area in which the player, or potential player, resides about playing for a team in another Boundary area without first receiving the written permission of the President of the Member of the Boundary area in which the player or potential player resides.

2.02 In Major Lacrosse, the Rocky Mountain Lacrosse League may establish its own regulations in regards to tampering which may be in addition to ALA Regulation 2.01.

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