Bulletin: B114.1 - ALA AGM Vacant Executive Positions & Nomination Procedure

Nov. 08, 2021

Hello ALA Members,

With the ALA AGM right around the corner (Sunday, November 14, 2021, 9:00 am MST - https://bit.ly/3nYxTlN), I wanted to take this opportunity to remind you that there are several vacant ALA Executive positions available (see below).

Alberta Lacrosse as a whole is on the precipice of a great opportunity for positive change and the incoming ALA Executive, along with the new staff, will be uniquely positioned to evaluate and potentially reframe the vision of the ALA as our sport looks to recover from COVID, get in sync with market pressures, and potentially evolve into an innovative, agile governing body that better serves our Members.

With that in mind, if you haven’t already done so I encourage all our Members to cultivate candidates from within your Local Governing Body, Club, or Team who believe the ALA has a role to play in recasting this vision of the future and reimagining how the ALA might become an enabling partner for our Members, a driver of lacrosse innovation, player-coach-official development, and sound governance.

Please consult ALA Bylaws 5 and 6 for complete details on the roles and responsibilities of each position, as well as the responsibilities of the ALA Executive in general (view bylaws at https://bit.ly/3wgBMWV). Also, please note that due to resignations at various positions, some terms are mid-term. Here is the relevant Bylaw so you fully understand the duration of each position:

ALA Bylaw 6.02 c) The terms of the office of President and Director of High Performance shall start in the same even year and the terms of office of the Director of Administration, Director of Marketing and Communication, and Director of Development shall start in the same odd year for the other terms of office.

The following Executive positions are available for election:

  • -  President (1-year term due to timing of resignation; term starts in even years beginning immediately following the AGM) - Currently vacant. Please review ALA Bylaw 6.03.1 for job description.

  • -  Director of Administration (2-year term; term starts in odd years beginning immediately following the AGM) - Currently vacant. Please review ALA Bylaw 6.03.3 for job description.

  • -  Director of Marketing & Communications (2-year term; term starts in odd years beginning immediately following the AGM) - Currently held by John Kilbride via appointment by the ALA Board in accordance with ALA Bylaw 8.04 after the position was vacated mid-term by the previous Director of Marketing & Communications after that individual was elected to the position of ALA President.

  • -  Director of High Performance (1-year term due to timing of resignation; term starts in even years beginning immediately following the AGM) - Currently vacant. Please review ALA Bylaw 6.03.5 for job description.

    Box 3018 Sherwood Park, AB T8H 2T3

albertalacrosse.com | albertalacrossetv.com

- Director of Development (2-year term; term starts in odd years beginning immediately following the AGM) - Currently vacant. Please review ALA Bylaw 6.03.6 for job description.

Please review ALA Bylaw 4.06 for details on the right and obligation to vote at Members’ meetings, but in brief, be aware of the following procedures for Executive nominations:

  1. OnlyavotingMembermayputforthanomination.

  2. Anyone(i.e.,Memberornon-Member)maybenominatedforanExecutiveposition.

  3. OnlyvotingMemberswillhavetheabilitytounmute(i.e.,onlyvotingMemberswillbeabletospeak), therefore should a non-voting Member be nominated they will be asked to raise their electronic Zoom hand to accept or decline the nomination

  4. Ifmorethanonenominationisacceptedforaposition, we will enable those individuals to unmute their microphones and each individual will be given an opportunity to make a pitch for their candidacy, up to a maximum of 10 minutes.

  5. An electronic, anonymous vote of theMembersshallfollow.

This is a precarious yet exciting time for lacrosse throughout Canada, but particularly so for Alberta lacrosse. I look forward to seeing a fresh batch of faces on the ALA Executive and with them, fresh ideas and an invigorated resolve.


John Kilbride
Alberta Lacrosse Association
Interim President
Director of Marketing & Communications

Bulletin: B114.1: ALA AGM Vacant Executive Positions & Nomination Procedure

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