Field Lacrosse Registration is Open!

Apr. 11, 2022

field netIt's time to take your game outside! Field lacrosse registration opens this month across the province. If you haven't yet tried the sport of lacrosse out in the fresh air and sunshine, this is the year. Take off that mask and hit the field!

I already play box lacrosse, why should I play field lacrosse?

Field lacrosse is a different game than box, especially the women's field lacrosse game. Aside from the obvious of being played on a field, the rules vary and some of the equipment is different, to name a couple differences.

Field lacrosse is the closest present-day form of the game to how it was when it was introduced to us by the Indigenous people of North America. Plus, opportunities to represent Canada are abound in field lacrosse, from World Championships to NCAA scholarships, and soon-to-be Olympics.

Does my Box Lacrosse team have a field lacrosse team, too?

The short answer is no. Field Lacrosse in Alberta is governed by the Alberta Field Lacrosse Association (AFLA) and so at this time our Box Lacrosse clubs do not offer Field Lacrosse directly. However, there are still plenty of programs out there, and definitely one in your region.

Where do I sign up?

The first step is to determine which Field Lacrosse Club is in your area and then it's just a matter of visiting their website for further details and registration links.

Who can I contact?

For general questions about Field Lacrosse in Alberta we encourage you to contact AFLA directly.

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