A number of ALA box lacrosse clubs across the province, both Minor and Major, are offering Fall (and Winter) programming for continued player development.
Edmonton Area
Edmonton Miners
4v4 play for Jr. players.
GELC- https://www.rampregistrations.com/public/participantreg?v3=13b2a9ad
U7 to U17 male and female player development and 4v4 game play.
St. Albert Rams- http://ramslacrosse.ca/article/78954
U15 and U17 player development.
Central Alberta
CALL- http://www.centralalbertalacrosse.com/content/clinics-and-camps
Co-ed U11-U17 player development and exhibition games.
Red Deer Lacrosse- http://www.reddeerlacrosse.com/article/70555
U7 and U9 introductory program.
Calgary Area
Calgary Axemen- http://axemenlacrosse.com/division/0/7029
U11 to U17 player development.
CDLA- http://calgarylacrosse.com/article/78529
High performance training for players born between 2007 and 2012.
Calgary Hornets- http://www.hornetslacrosse.com/article/68918
U7 to U17 player development and scrimmages.
Calgary Sr. B Mountaineers- https://srbmounties.ca/mounties-dev-camp/
Player development for players born in 2008 and 2009.
Calgary Sabrecats- http://sabrecatslax.com/article/78661
U9 to Jr. player development.
High River- https://www.highriverlacrosse.com/article/78896
U7 to Sr. player development.
Southern Alberta
Brooks Lacrosse- http://www.southernalbertalacrosse.com/article/78862
U13 to Jr. and goalie player development.
Lethbridge Lacrosse- http://www.lethbridgelacrosse.com/article/78616
U11 to Jr. player development.